Sleep apnea dental treatment

Would you rather wear this CPAP?

Or would you prefer to wear this oral appliance?
Do you snore? Wake up at night gasping for air? Wake up in the morning still tired after a restless sleep? Fall asleep during the day while working or driving? Are you overweight? If you answered, "Yes," to any of these questions, you might have obstructive sleep apnea; and Dr. Maron can help you.
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is caused by a narrowing of the airway when the tongue is positioned too far back. At least 12-18 million adults in the US have OSA, which causes them to stop breathing hundreds of times a night for a few seconds to more than a minute. Untreated, OSA is a potentially life-threatening condition that can increase the risk for serious health problems, including congestive heart failure, stroke, high blood pressure, heart disease, atrial fibrillation, diabetes, depression, and impotence. A physician determines if you have sleep apnea after a consult and a sleep study. The physician will normally give you a CPAP if you have sleep apnea.
Oral appliances for OSA
Although continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is the primary way to treat OSA, about 50 percent of OSA patients do not tolerate a CPAP machine due to the fit of the mask, the noise of the engine, or the noise from the high airflow. For these patients the dentist can fabricate an oral appliance to help treat the sleep apnea. For mild to moderate OSA, the oral appliance is a good alternative to the CPAP. Even with severe sleep apnea, an oral appliance can provide some relief for patients unable to use a CPAP.
Dr. Maron is a Diplomate of the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine (ABDSM), which is the highest credential a dentist can earn in dental sleep medicine, requiring one year of intensive coursework and culminating in a rigorous exam. He works closely with physicians in the sleep medicine field to make oral appliances to treat sleep apnea.
The oral appliance varies in design but is intended to move the lower jaw and tongue forward. This movement opens up the airway and decreases the snoring and apnea. Unlike the CPAP, the appliance is very portable and does not make noise or need electricity. In addition, unlike with the CPAP, you do not need to take it out for scanning at airport security lines.
For more information, see our FAQs on sleep apnea and read The New York Times article, "For Sleep Apnea, a Mouth Guard May Be a Good Alternative to CPAP."